Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Welcome To Media Studies!

Welcome back, class of 2022! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer.

This year is partly devoted to media studies and journalism (non-fiction writing). What you learn here can help you improve your writing skills, give you an opportunity to examine national and international issues, improve your use of conflict and characters in your plots, play and experiment with media (blogs, television, radio & film scripts, podcasts, magazines, comic books, video games, photography, etc.) as well as make you a better critical thinker. Primarily, this course will hone and continue to develop your writer's craft and your writer's voice. The other half of your year (with Ms. Gamzon) will focus on the craft of writing with an in-depth look at how to write effective poetry, fiction, and plays.

Anyway, after reviewing our course criteria and working on a writer's "manifesto" (I'll collect these by the end of class today), we will get started with a required writing activity and start on a couple of assignments to begin this course. By the end of class today, we'll get our locker assignments.


Check this blog each class period for agendas, deadlines, educational information, advice, and a whole lot of links to enhance your education. You can sign up for email alerts when I post new material.

This blog is a resource for your learning. All you have to do is read and click. Homework assignments and helpful guides or suggestions on how to proceed or succeed on a task will be available here. Much of your writing will be uploaded to our Google classroom site (see links to the side of this page).

You are responsible for reading and interacting with the material I post on the blog. It is a useful resource for the course (since we don't have a specific textbook)--so please use it. You can even see it on your cell phones (which you shouldn't have with you during class...) when you go home.

Assignments that can be turned in digitally (no printing!) will be posted in the Google Classroom. Go there now (https://classroom.google.com) and enter this code: c7l88tz to join the class.

Make sure that when you are in class using a Chromebook that you do the following EACH DAY:
  • Log in. 
  • Open a TAB and go to our classroom BLOG: https://sotamediastudies.blogspot.com
  • Open a SECOND TAB and go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM: https://classroom.google.com, etc.
  • Keep both TABS open during class or as instructed. It's also a good idea to open a THIRD TAB in Google to take class notes (or write class notes by hand if you prefer...) 
  • When using headphones (only as instructed please!) please make sure you have only one ear bud in your ear at any time. Lower volume so that only you can hear what is being played. Abuse of this rule will result in the class privilege being revoked.  
  • You are aware that no cell phones are allowed in school. District/school policy. Please follow it to avoid any unnecessary issues. 
  • After class, please plug your Chromebooks back into the cabinet where you received them. The Chrome symbol should appear at the top of the computer when you plug in correctly. 
If you're absent or missed something in class, please check the blog to get caught up. As indicated above, each new class period usually includes a new post. If you have a question about an assignment and are too embarrassed to speak to me in public (or you have a question that you think you will forget to ask), feel free to use the comment section. Be aware comments are meant for help or questions, not to communicate with friends and peers. It is your responsibility to talk to me about your needs. This is your education. Make it worthwhile.

On our link page and in Google Classroom, you will also find some useful tools for this course. During the course, I will direct your attention to these tools for your use in this class and for use in The Craft of Writing.

Today, after learning about the course and responding in class, let's begin with a baseline writing exercise.

With time remaining, please begin working on your homework chapter (Mass Media, pages 3-15). Read and answer the vocabulary questions on the GOOGLE CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENT FORM. Submit your work before the beginning on next class for full credit.

HOMEWORK: Complete your baseline essay. Read chapter one, part one: Mass Media, pg. 3-15 and answer the questions as directed in our Google Classroom. Submit your answers in Google classroom when complete. 

Game Review Article; Ready Player One

  Please write a review of the Atari 2600, NES or Sega game you played. Your article should include the following: 1. A researched historic...