Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Introduction to Journalism


 Taking care of business:
  • Introduction to course
  • Assign lockers
  • Logging on to internet, blog, saving as favorite 
How to be awesome this year:


Goals for Understanding:
  • What are sources of news?
  • What is news?
  • What are the elements of news?
  • What is the language of the journalism profession?
  • Why is it important to use newspaper terminology?
  • What factors determine how articles are placed on the front page?
  • Does the placement of a story affect the reader's response to it?
  • In addition to news stories, what other information is included on the front page?
  • What is the significance of placement?
Day 1: Definitions and Sources of News
  • Motivational Activity: Each day people throughout the world depend on newspapers, television, radio news, and personal interactions to keep up with global, national, regional, and local events. Consider your own news sources. How do you learn about what is happening? Complete Handout 1: My Personal News Sources.

  • Partner share of results followed by class discussion about various sources of news used by students. Additional questions to consider:
    • Which of the sources is most accurate/reliable?
    • Which is most entertaining?
    • Why are people interested in getting news?
  • Pose question: What is news? Create a definition. Brainstorm and chart ideas on board.
  • Read and discuss
    • Handout 2: What is News? Reinforce/expandstudent suggested definitions. Continue discussion with News Elements: Concepts that Make News News(adapted from ForJournalism Teachers Only)
  • For homework, complete Handout 3: What is News?Assignment adapted from Making News: An Introduction to Journalism by John R. Harrold and Lois A. Stanciak

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