Purpose of an editorial:
Primary: to persuade! If you can't take a stand, you do not have a good editorial
Secondary: to inform and/or to entertain
They May Criticize or Attack: If they criticize, they require suggestions for change. If you launch an attack against something, you must be impeccable in your charge. An attack is forceful; criticism does not have to be forceful, but it has to be held down with facts and suggestions for change.
Defend: Stand up for an individual or an institution under attack by society.
Compliment: Show evidence that the compliment is deserved. Offer praise when warranted.
Instigate, advocate or appeal: To instigate editorially would mean that the newspaper intended to go on a crusade for something--improvements in the school study hall system, for example. Or you might advocate that this be accomplished by backing suggestions put out by a school committee that studied the problem. An appeal editorial might mean that you’d encourage people to donate to a school fund drive or vote for a tax levy increase.
Entertain: An entertaining editorial is good for the reader’s soul, but it should have a worthwhile point and should be written about something worth the reader’s time.
Predict: Support your predictions with fact.
ResearchDo not share your ignorance! Instead, use primary and secondary sources
Connect support to purpose The body should have clear and accurate details and examples that you specifically connect to your opinion. Give strong arguments in the beginning and end of the editorial. Show the opposing arguments and their weaknesses. Offer a solution at the end. Be strong – do not waver in your convictions. Stick to your argument or opinion.
General Information
Editorial Pre-Writing
Primary: to persuade! If you can't take a stand, you do not have a good editorial
Secondary: to inform and/or to entertain
How do editorials achieve their purpose?
Where Does the Editorial Writer Begin?
Choose an issue
Gather Support (logos)
Gather as many details as possible to convince others that your position is the right one. Present facts, evidence, written statements from reliable sources or authorities in the subject (experts). Make comparisons to similar situations that support your argument, pictures or images that strengthen your argument.
Present the opposing argument along with evidence that it is fallacious (based on faulty reasoning), weak, or simply not as strong, important, realistic, practical etc. as yours.
Gather as many details as possible to convince others that your position is the right one. Present facts, evidence, written statements from reliable sources or authorities in the subject (experts). Make comparisons to similar situations that support your argument, pictures or images that strengthen your argument.
Present the opposing argument along with evidence that it is fallacious (based on faulty reasoning), weak, or simply not as strong, important, realistic, practical etc. as yours.
Connect support to purpose The body should have clear and accurate details and examples that you specifically connect to your opinion. Give strong arguments in the beginning and end of the editorial. Show the opposing arguments and their weaknesses. Offer a solution at the end. Be strong – do not waver in your convictions. Stick to your argument or opinion.
General Information
Your editorial should be clear and forceful. Do not preach. Paragraphs should be brief and direct. Give examples and illustrations. Be honest and accurate. Don't be too dramatic.
Avoid moralizing editorials. They tend to preach and turn the reader off. Whatever type of editorial you write, it must be built around logical framework.
PLease copy and past the following, respond to the questions and send along.
Editorial Pre-Writing
Your Opinion Can Change the World!
Note: Pointing out what’s wrong is easier than contributing to a problem’s solution – and a good editorial’s concern should be to better a situation, not bludgeon it. Remember, also, no matter what your purpose or topic, an editorial is no place to indulge in personal attacks. Be smart! Don’t whine or gripe – use your energy to convince!
1. What is a problem/issue that our socieity faces today?
2. What is your view/position on the problem or situation?
3. What would you like to achieve with your editorial? (What is the desired result?)
4. How will you persuade your audience to adopt your viewpoint as theirs? List at least 4 persuasive points.
5. How will you arouse your readership to action in your conclusion?
6. How will your editorial serve a public purpose?
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