Tuesday, July 7, 2015



Discussion Questions

1.Television was first invented in 1886 by a German student, Paul Nipcow. How much television do you watch in one week? How would you spend your time if television had never been invented?
2.RCA's David Sarnoff was credited for bringing television to the masses at the 1939 World's Fair with President Roosevelt speaking. If television were invented today, with what programming would you choose to debut the new invention and why?

3.The first color television camera was the TK 41. Describe how would black and white television change the programs you watch?
Go to this link:

Compare and contrast TV commercials of the 1940s with today's commercials.

4.The most recent invention in television is digital technology. Explain what could you invent to improve television programming and viewership?
5.Video recording has revolutionized the television industry and brought about channels like CNN, ESPN, and MTV. What would television be like for you without these channels? Describe the target audiences for these channels.
6.How will the agent or Intelligence Search Software affect your choice of television shows?


The Farnsworth Chronicles 
This is a concise and easily accessible site detailing the efforts of Philo T. Farnsworth, the inventor of modern television.

Exploratorium Exhibits 
Exciting online demos and guided discovery help explain how we come to "make pictures" on the tube.

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