Monday, January 4, 2016

Layout/Design & Ads

Today, please use the time in the lab to put your magazine together. Choose what features will appear in what order. Make sure each of your five articles has a title and byline (see below). Your cover of your magazine should have an appropriate masthead and title. Make sure you create your table of contents as well. See requirements & vocabulary below.

To assist you, read the handout before you go too far.

Some layout vocabulary:

MASTHEAD: In American usage, a publication's masthead is a printed list, published in a fixed position in each edition, of its owners, departments, officers and address details, which in British English usage is known as imprint.

BANNER: The headline across or near the top of all or most of the newspaper per page. 

BYLINE: Name of the reporter who wrote the story, placed atop the published article.

CUTLINE: Any descriptive or explanatory material under a photograph or picture.

FLAG: The printed title of a newspaper on the cover.

NEWS HOLE: The space in a paper allotted to the articles or non-advertising material. Journalists have to fill this hole with words. :)

  • Must have front and back cover.
  • Cover page must have title of magazine, names of featured articles, and a photo/art design that suggests one of the feature articles for that issue.
  • Cover and back pages must be illustrated.
  • Must have table of contents page with name of author, titles or headlines of featured articles and page #'s.
  • Must include at least five (5) articles per writer. Each article must include a headline or title and an author's byline.
  • Articles may be formatted for single, double, or triple column--but this should be consistent or artistically designed within the magazine.
  • Magazines should include advertisements to fill up the "white space" left by articles. These advertisements should be original. (In other words, you must create the ads yourself). You may write full-page ads, but each ad should be artistically designed and appropriate for your magazine style/genre. Ads may be included on a feature page.
  • Magazine should be an EVEN # of pages.
  • Each page must be numbered. 
You will be graded on your writing, layout-design, and creativity.
For help creating a layout for your magazine, check here (or look at the handout). For more advice, check out this article.

Samples of cool layout design for magazines (look here!)

If you'd like to use InDesign (for advanced students) tutorials to do that can be found here.


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