Thursday, January 14, 2016

Podcasting: Introduction & Ideas

Today, please listen to a podcast. As we listen, use the outline handout or your own notes to create a topic outline. Keep track of the elements/topics Tippett uses in her podcast.
  • On Being by Krista Tippett. Today we will listen to the most recent podcast: W.E.B. DuBois and the American Soul with guest speakers Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Alexander, and Arnold Rampersad. You will be required to read DuBois in your ELA classes next year (Common Core stuff...)
You will note that most podcasts start with an audio clip or audio intro (usually the program's theme music). The host (speaker) will usually introduce him/herself and identify the topic the podcast will cover (your title, for example). Sometimes there are advertisements and the naming of sponsors, other times there are interviews with specialists, or the reading of a significant passage or quote. Largely, a podcast is a lecture or speech about something a listener would find useful, interesting, thought-provoking, or entertaining.

A sample outline for a typical review show might look like this:
1. Intro
A. Theme Song
B. Welcome
C. Announcements

2. First Review/Topic
A. Sound clip/reading of a passage
B. Discussion of the sound byte or passage

3. Second Review/Topic, etc.
4. Interview, etc.
5. Third Review, etc.

6. Conclusion
A. Final Comments
B. Outro Music

HOMEWORK/LAB WORK: Browse any of the following podcasts. Select one you would like to listen to and listen to it. As you listen, outline the structure of the episode. After outlining, summarize your reaction to the podcast in a short paragraph response. Essentially: What did you learn/notice about podcasting from listening to this podcast? Your outline & response is due to hand in on Tuesday, Jan. 19.

Check out either online source:
How to do it:
Hey! Watch these videos/read these linked articles to help you get started on the nuts and bolts of the assignment!

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