Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Podcasting: Editing; Biographies

Please turn in your homework (see post below this one for details!)

During period 1: Please upload and/or edit your audio files for your podcast. If you did not complete the homework (recording your podcast) you will be falling behind--so get to it!

See previous posts for help/assistance editing your audio files. Here are a few other pointers to consider:
To EDIT audio clips: check here.
To add music:
  1. On the Home tab, in the Add group, click Add music.
  2. Click the music file you want to use, and then click Open.

To fade music in or out:
  1. Click the music you want to fade in and/or out.
  2. Under Music Tools, in the Options tab, in the Audio group, do one or both of the following:
  • To make the music fade in, click the Fade in list, and then click the speed for the music to fade in.
  • To make the music fade out, click the Fade out list, and then click the speed for the music to fade out.
To change the start or end point of the music:

  1. Click the music.
  2. Drag the playback indicator on the storyboard to the point in the music where you want it to start or stop playing in your movie. Then do one of the following:
  • To set a new start point for the music to start playing at the current point, under Music Tools, on the Options tab, in the Editing group, click Set start point.
  • To set a new end point so the music stops playing at the current point, under Music Tools, on the Options tab, in the Editing group, click Set end point.

To change the audio volume of a music item:
  1. Click the music.
  2. Under Music Tools, on the Options tab, in the Audio group, click Music volume, and then move the slider left to lower the volume or right to increase it.
To change the volume of the audio in a video:

  1. Click the video.
  2. Under Video Tools, on the Edit tab, in the Audio group, click Video volume, and then move the slider left to lower the volume or right to increase it.
If these things don't work, please check online, a friend, or call me over after you have done those two things. If you are using a different program, please check online or ask a friend for help on that program.

During Period Two: Let's take a break from editing/podcasting to A). go next door to discuss The Paul Robeson biography, and B). to go to the library to select a biography of your choice.

Next class you should complete your podcast project. In order to hear each other's work, please upload your audio/video file to YouTube and copy the URL address for your work in the COMMENT section of this (and our next post). I'd like to "screen" these podcasts next week.

HOMEWORK: Prepare and complete your Podcast. Begin reading your chosen biography.


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  3. https://www.soundtrap.com/hartisiah?# copy and paste onto the URL. it should lead you right to the audio.


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