Friday, May 6, 2016

Synthesis, X-Men

Today, during period 7, please complete your synthesis. Read the articles on comic books from last class and write a 300 or more word persuasive editorial about the value or non-value of comic books in education.

Due by end of 7th period.
With time remaining:

Comic Book Script Project
  • Check out this website. Create a superhero. Give the character a special "power". Save & print out the graphic. NOTE: (optional) check out Champions Online. You can design your own superhero concepts for this online game. If you're having trouble with HM 3.0, check out earlier versions: Hero Machine 2.
  • Use your character creation to create a short comic book script for this character. All films, plays, stories, comics, etc. start with a premise. What is this issue going to be about? Sketch out an idea for your story.
  • Use the handouts to help you create your comic book script. To see sample pages of a script, check here.
  • A draft of the script is due Monday, May 16. It must be at least 1 page long. It may need to be more than that to develop a story line or plot for your issue.
  • For extra credit you may choose to illustrate 1 page of your script in Comic Life.
X-Men Synthesis: Please read the articles & review of X-Men (2000). Read or peruse the comic book draft as well.

Period 8:

We'll go next door to work on the synthesis and the X-Men film. You will be expected to write a review of the film.

HOMEWORK: Continue reading Maus. Aim to complete the graphic novel by Tuesday. We will be discussing the book in class after we screen X-Men.

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