Please watch the following TedTalk: Has media made us into label mongers? As you watch, please complete the Cornell Notes based on the talk. Put the key points the speaker is making in the left column, and use the right column for specific details about the key points. Turn in your notes for participation credit when you complete this assignment today.
One side effect of studying the media is that you might find that you love the subject and would like to study it as a major in college. While you are still a few years away from having to make that decision, knowing what this course can do for you and your future career can be helpful.
Even if you decide that media studies is not for you as a career, building your literacy and communication skills will definitely impact your fiction and poetry skills. Learning how to write journalistically can enhance your writing ability, not to mention your personal communication skills. Many publishers prefer the stark and clean journalistic writing style when buying manuscripts.
Today, let's focus on our future a moment. Use your journal/notebook/graphic organizer for this assignment. Check out the bulleted list below to see if a college program in Media might be something you'd like to pursue as a professional career. Click on and read the various college programs in Media Studies. What skills, topics, or subjects do these programs seem to cover? Focus on areas that these programs have in common.
Various College Programs in Journalism/Media Studies:
Now that you've seen a few examples of college programs in media studies, take the next 15-20 minutes to research college programs you might be interested in. What field or subject are you interested in pursuing? What course content do these programs cover? What do these programs promise to do for a student? What makes the program unique?
Be prepared to share your findings with a partner or peer group.
NOTE: Revisit this project at any time during the year when you are wondering why you are studying this stuff. It may help get you back on track.
Padlet Projects:
Please take a moment to evaluate your partner for your Padlet project. View each other's Padlet projects and consider how the media may represent people.
If your name is not listed here, I do not have a copy of your work. Please submit your Padlet as late work today. Turn in your evaluation sheet (and any homework you have not turned in yet).
HOMEWORK: Please read the chapter: "Big" (pp. 202-233), examine the attributed sources for this chapter on page 291-296. Notice how authors attribute sources to provide accurate information regarding their subjects. Then look back at the chapter and comment on the effectiveness of this chapter? Why, for example, might the authors have chosen to include interviews in this chapter? What effect do these personal interviews have on you as a reader? Comment, answer, and turn in your reflection next class (Thursday, Sept. 29).
One side effect of studying the media is that you might find that you love the subject and would like to study it as a major in college. While you are still a few years away from having to make that decision, knowing what this course can do for you and your future career can be helpful.
Even if you decide that media studies is not for you as a career, building your literacy and communication skills will definitely impact your fiction and poetry skills. Learning how to write journalistically can enhance your writing ability, not to mention your personal communication skills. Many publishers prefer the stark and clean journalistic writing style when buying manuscripts.
Today, let's focus on our future a moment. Use your journal/notebook/graphic organizer for this assignment. Check out the bulleted list below to see if a college program in Media might be something you'd like to pursue as a professional career. Click on and read the various college programs in Media Studies. What skills, topics, or subjects do these programs seem to cover? Focus on areas that these programs have in common.
Various College Programs in Journalism/Media Studies:
- University of Rochester
- SUNY Buffalo
- CUNY Queen's College
- New York University
- Penn State University
- Vassar College
Now that you've seen a few examples of college programs in media studies, take the next 15-20 minutes to research college programs you might be interested in. What field or subject are you interested in pursuing? What course content do these programs cover? What do these programs promise to do for a student? What makes the program unique?
Be prepared to share your findings with a partner or peer group.
NOTE: Revisit this project at any time during the year when you are wondering why you are studying this stuff. It may help get you back on track.
Padlet Projects:
Please take a moment to evaluate your partner for your Padlet project. View each other's Padlet projects and consider how the media may represent people.
If your name is not listed here, I do not have a copy of your work. Please submit your Padlet as late work today. Turn in your evaluation sheet (and any homework you have not turned in yet).
HOMEWORK: Please read the chapter: "Big" (pp. 202-233), examine the attributed sources for this chapter on page 291-296. Notice how authors attribute sources to provide accurate information regarding their subjects. Then look back at the chapter and comment on the effectiveness of this chapter? Why, for example, might the authors have chosen to include interviews in this chapter? What effect do these personal interviews have on you as a reader? Comment, answer, and turn in your reflection next class (Thursday, Sept. 29). Delimar Faduma