Sunday, September 18, 2016

Prezi Presentations


A: Prezi has a creative and original subject. The topic is covered skillfully, answering in an insightful way how the topic has influenced our culture and includes all necessary details. Details are interesting and insightful. A secondary source enhances the subject's meaning. Video or media is entertaining, appropriate and illustrates the subject matter insightfully. The student enhances the presentation with their knowledge and presentation/speaking skills. Excellent effort was put into the presentation and it shows or is clear to the observer. Slides and graphics are creatively incorporated into the presentation, making the presentation an exemplar for the class.
B: Prezi has a specific subject. The topic is covered adequately to answer what the topic is and how it has influenced our culture. A secondary source was consulted and is incorporated into the presentation in a meaningful way. Video or media clips enhance the presentation. The student seems knowledgeable about the subject matter, offering more details verbally during the presentation. All components for the project are present. Slides use graphics and text to create an effective slideshow presentation.
C: Prezi has a subject but the topic may be too broad or not developed. The topic is more or less covered but may not be as detailed as scores above. A secondary source was consulted and included. Video/media clips are included. Student seems familiar with the subject matter, but details may be lacking. Most components for the project are present. Grammar/mechanical errors disrupt the work. Slides use some graphics or text, but may not be as helpful or attractive in their design.
D: As "C" above, but may be missing some components, or the work is incomplete, or lacking effort.
F: No Prezi or presentation.


Kaniel (Pokemon)
Delimar (Wendy's):
Fadumo (Star Trek):
Raina (:
Faduma (Good Morning America):
Mariangelis (Oscar Meyer):
Andrea (Technology):
James (CNN):
Justice (Fox News):
Jyeshia (The Jackson Five):

For an activity today during the 2nd half of class, please select and work with a partner.

Using PADLET, together create a graphic list/mindmap/chart that examines: Good labels versus Bad labels. Collaborate with your partner. Be prepared to share your work to the class. Padlets allow you to use graphics, charts, text, and video to examine your subject matter. Find examples of good and bad labels from internet sources.

DETAILS: Each group should try to identify examples or ways in which we identify or label ourselves in society that can offer a positive reinforced idea of ourselves. Then turn the tables and think of ways and examples of bad labels--ways we ostracize or marginalize or leave out certain types of people from our society or cultural groups, or negative labels that define our identities.

After creating your Padlet, please watch the following TedTalk: Has media made us into label mongers?

HOMEWORK: Please read the article: "Media Studies" by Ziauddin Sardar & Borin Van Loon. We will examine media studies as a profession/college course next class.

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