Period 7 & 8:
Noam Chomsky: The 5 Filters of Mass Media (video)
Manufacturing Dissent (video/interview)
Propaganda & PSAs:
Watch a variety of the clips below today in class. Generate some ideas for a PSA and short propaganda film of your own. Note how the makers of these films/clips use pathos and logos to persuade us (perhaps by changing our feelings or making us think or feel.) Use what you've just learned about Noam Chomsky's filters of the Mass Media and what you've learned about the reasons we use propaganda from last class to assist you. As you watch, identify: Who's point of view is being presented? After viewing, select one of the pieces and comment on the video in the COMMENT section below for participation credit. How is what you viewed different from today (or is it?) Compare/contrast ideas.
TASK #3: Alone or with your partner, brainstorm an idea for your own graphic "flier" or "poster" advertising or using propaganda to appeal to a viewing audience. If these come out good, we'll hang them around the school.
How to do this:
Then: Create and design! Use one of our word or photography processor programs to create your flier. Fliers generally don't have much text. Use your brainstorming in a creative way to send a message to the world (or our school at least...)
Noam Chomsky: The 5 Filters of Mass Media (video)
Manufacturing Dissent (video/interview)
Propaganda & PSAs:
Watch a variety of the clips below today in class. Generate some ideas for a PSA and short propaganda film of your own. Note how the makers of these films/clips use pathos and logos to persuade us (perhaps by changing our feelings or making us think or feel.) Use what you've just learned about Noam Chomsky's filters of the Mass Media and what you've learned about the reasons we use propaganda from last class to assist you. As you watch, identify: Who's point of view is being presented? After viewing, select one of the pieces and comment on the video in the COMMENT section below for participation credit. How is what you viewed different from today (or is it?) Compare/contrast ideas.
- 1971: Environmental PSA
- 1970's Coca-Cola Commercial
- 1980's Commercial on Drugs & this one & 1990's anti drug PSA & the updated 2016 version
- Global Climate PSA
- Global Climate PSA #2
- Child Refugees PSA
- US Navy Recruitment & 2012 Marines Recruitment PSA & US Army
- For the clown-phobic student: 1960's commercial for cereal
- 1950's: How to Handle a Bully
- 1960's: Lunchroom Manners
- The Trouble with Women
- 1970's Anti-Marijuana Propaganda
- 1970's Anti-gay Propaganda - Boys Beware
- Sam: Short Film About Gender Identity and Bullying
- Short film: Removed: short film about abuse
- Short film: Dear Dad
- Short film: Behind the Walls
- Short film: Too Quick to Judge
- Amanda Todd original video
Where does that leave us? After commenting, please complete task #3 from last class:
TASK #3: Alone or with your partner, brainstorm an idea for your own graphic "flier" or "poster" advertising or using propaganda to appeal to a viewing audience. If these come out good, we'll hang them around the school.
How to do this:
- identify a current, modern-day issue that you feel passionate about
- What images come to your mind when you think of this issue? (jot these down as notes)
- What words or phrases do you think of? Write these down too.
- Can you connect a song, poem, person, celebrity, symbol, or popular culture item to the issue?
- What colors, shapes, lines, graphic elements might be connected to this issue?
- Decide what will be your poster/ad/flier's dominant and subdominant images?
TASK #4: Personal response essay. Using the material and sources we have examined during this unit as sources (and Hannah Arendt's & Noam Chomsky's philosophy--which you are free to agree or disagree with), Respond in a personal reflective essay. Attribute your sources within your essay. Write about your reaction and/or understanding of some of these topics. Pick a thesis and write your reaction. Your creative essay will be due at the end of next week (Thursday, March 30).
HOMEWORK: If you did not complete the viewing from last class or this class, please do so over the weekend. Begin writing your response essay.
As I viewed the anti-drug propaganda videos, it rely creates an emotion in the viewer and allows the viewer to feel the message of not using drugs. The author of this video made it clear by using different ideas, such as the egg. One of Chomsky's teachings about propaganda included, the having of a common enemy. We can see through this video that the common enemy are drugs. We can also see that advertising this propaganda cost a lot because the main character broke a bunch of things to get the purpose of the video clear.