The original Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, debuted in 1966 and ran for three seasons, following the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Federation Starship Enterprise. These adventures were continued in an animated television series and six feature films. Four more television series were produced, based in the same universe but following other characters: Star Trek: The Next Generation, following the crew of a new Starship Enterprise set several decades after the original series; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager set contemporaneously with The Next Generation; and Star Trek: Enterprise, set in the early days of human interstellar travel, and most recently, Star Trek: Discovery. Four additional feature films were produced, following the crew of The Next Generation, and most recently JJ Abrams rebooted the series in 2009 featuring a young crew of the original Enterprise set in a parallel universe.
Check here for the "official" Star Trek website.
Some fans have too much time on their hands. Here's a time line for the Star Trek world.
Here's a few clips of some of the more interesting moments:
Star Trek beats the gender barrier... Voyager
Star Trek includes gay characters...Discovery
Here are some full episodes of the original:
Leonard Nimoy sings The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
And the parodies:
Futurama - part 2
We will screen the tv episode: "That's What Little Girls Are Made Of"
Check here for the "official" Star Trek website.
Some fans have too much time on their hands. Here's a time line for the Star Trek world.
Here's a few clips of some of the more interesting moments:
Trailers for the first eleven movies
New Star Trek (2009)Star Trek beats the race barrier... Deep Space Nine
Star Trek beats the gender barrier... Voyager
Star Trek includes gay characters...Discovery
Here are some full episodes of the original:
Space Seed (1966)
Arena (1966)
The Trouble With Tribbles(1966)
Star Trek: Pilot "The Cage" script PDFWilliam Shatner Sings Rocket Man
Star Trek Writers/Director's Guide
Leonard Nimoy sings The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
And the parodies:
Futurama - part 2
We will screen the tv episode: "That's What Little Girls Are Made Of"
- 1960's Television Culture: Star Trek
- History of Star Trek
- Cultural Significance of Star Trek
- Which is nerdier: Star Trek or Star Wars?
BRAINSTORM: Decide as a class on a genre (or two or three)...if you were to make a TV show, what genre would you pick? Mystery/suspense, law/court, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, situational comedy, western, romance, drama, etc.?