Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Digital Video Games: Flashback to the 80's; Are Video Games Dangerous? Article; Video Game Review

Please turn in your interactive fiction project to our Google classroom. Also due:  the ?'s and article on Video Games & you should have read the sample chapters from the novel Ready Player One.

For advanced students looking for extra credit for MP2:
  • You may like to create a platform video game. Check out:
  • Extra credit if you complete a game and share it with the class.
Writing Task: 
  • On YOUR blog, please write a review of the book Ready Player One. What did you think of it? Consider writing about the writing style, the characters, the plot, the use of 80's nostalgia, the action sequences, the theme (note that one of the main themes is that business/companies ruin or challenge the private player in the "internet". The government's concern over Net Neutrality has also been an important issue.)--or any other evaluation or comment you make from your reading. 
Writing Task (#2): 
Writing Task (#3): 
  • Choose 1 review of a video game from the website: Metacritic. [choose a game review, click on it, then click "Read Full Review" to read the actual review.]
  • Notice how the review was written: 
    • a hook or introduction that explains what the game is, who created it or published it, and a summary of the storyline or object of the game. 
    • an analysis of the parts of the game. Usually, for a game, this includes an judgement about the story, the actual game play, the video graphics, the sound, or other technical details. Each part usually consists of a paragraph.
    • a review ends with the writer's opinion about the quality or worth of the game. Is this a game that you would enjoy? Why or why not? What is the final conclusion: should someone buy and play this game?
    • sometimes a review ends with similar games to buy or play; or something wise to consider about the product that a consumer should be aware of.
  • Then: choose a video game to review (see below for some sample ideas)
  • Review the game. [If you can't play it--or did not play the game, make sure you indicate this in your review...]
  • In the COMMENT section of this blog, please post your short review. Try to hit some of the bullet points regarding what is included in a game review. 
Finally, with time remaining (or as information for your consideration) take a look at these videos/links:

Crash Course:

Video Game Museum:
HOMEWORK: Complete the 3 writing tasks described above. If you haven't had a chance to play a video game, do so. If you didn't watch the Crash Course videos, please do that as well. 


  1. Pac Man is a gaming staple! It can be found in every arcade and can be played by anyone, from the most inexperienced to the most pro gamer. The goal of Pac Man is simple, navigate by going up, down, left, or right, and eat all of the dots while trying not to be eaten by ghosts. Pretty straight forward. Other than that, there are a few special things you can do, like eat different fruit to weaken the ghosts and give you bonus points, but for the most part there is very little plot or complications. There is nothing suspenseful or urgent about the game. The graphics are limited to basic geometric shapes and the music is simple, however I think that it's simplicity is what makes Pac Man so fun! It is accessible to anyone without having to keep track of a complicated story full of decision making or master a complex set of buttons and controls. Pac Man is appropriate for children, sentimental for adults, and a great game to play against one another in groups. In conclusion, Pac Man is fun, simple to learn and play, and a great way to procrastinate on other important things in your life!

  2. Look out for those eggs, because we're talking about Joust. Joust is a classic game in which the two riders on birds must, well, joust with one another. You have three lives and the winner is the one still standing with their heap of points. As a classic game, it may lack some visuals that modern day games have as well as a lack of plot (not to mention rhyme or reason, why are these ostrich like birds flying and even jousting?). Playing the game on the computer today is certainly different from the original, which would have been great on an arcade machine. However, it is not and therefore this game was not enjoyable. Perhaps a better classic alternative would be Space Invaders.

  3. Is he a donkey or an ape ? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? And finally...why does he keep laughing at me!? Yup i'm talking about Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong was/is a game that was created in 1981 by Nintendo and Atari. The game is about a larger than life gorilla (Donkey Kong) that gets a little carried away and steals a woman by the name Pauline,yes this is before peach. And guess who has to save her Mmmmmmari...Jmpman! He will be Mario soon enough but this soon to be flagship character for the Nintendo series must hurdle over various barrels and climb ladders to save his girl, Yes, way before peach. The plot is decent enough to keep someones attention and graphics were fairly good for its time, and that antagonistic bad guy makes you wanna keep playing over and over.Today the video game would be considered classic and was in arcades then and still more than thirty years later. If you would to follow Donkey Kong and his adventure play Donkey Kong junior and switch roles with Mario as this time he is the big baddy or if you would like to continue the story of the famous carpenter, uh I mean plumber and saving women you should totally play Mario bros. So is Mario a good guy or a bad guy... The world may never know.

  4. Also don't let the barrel hit you on the way out ;)

  5. You hear that sound? That's the sound of yellow ball with a wide mouth being chased by ghosts through a maze. That's right! It's the classic Pac Man! Ah, the classic Pac Man, how can someone not know about this cultural landmark. First introduced through arcades, the game was made in, like many other classics, Japan of course. The protagonist's name, or shall I say, the ball-with-a-unnecessarily-big-mouth's name "Pac Man" was actually "Puck Man", originated from the Japanese word "paku" which means "chomp". Now that you know the history of one of the most influential game in history, let's move on to the huge impacts of the game.

    Although made in Japan, the game became very popular in the United States after it hit the market. Every kid in the neighborhood would be standing in long lines just to play the game. So how did a 2-dimensional game of a ball eating dots and cherries being chased by four colored ghosts become so popular? The answer lies in the unpredictable movements of the ghosts chasing Pac Man. The players had to make each move carefully. One wrong turn could could result one of lives to disappear. And speaking of lives, another reason for its popularity is the lives of Pac Man. You only had three lives so you'd have to be very careful. Why? Why isn't it easy to complete the game with three lives? Well, too bad, the game is made to go on for infinity (although the game crashes in 255th level). If you've never played this classic, oh boy oh, you're in for a treat. There are many, many versions of this game today. You can find it all around the internet. It has a neon version, 3-D version, and even a First Person version! But in the end, none of these can beat the original PacMan.

  6. Okay so you are a flying ostritch (?) dodo (?) kiwi (?) flying ninja (?) mutant bird (?)... and you fly around a screen “jousting” other flying “things”. What the flip. When I first started playing this game, I struggled with the controls and died with a measly 200 points. There are “obstacles” which are random dirt things and portal things that new bad-flying-things come out of. When you hit one of these guys the wrong way, your big bird thing runs back to one of these portals and a new golden ninja comes out of it. I mean I guess it was cool considering the time it was invented, but now, I think it’s literally the worst game I’ve played. I just checked and the game-playing-people call the flying things “a knight riding a flying ostrich”. This is why America is so dumb. OSTRICHES DON’T FLY. And it should stay that way. There is really no place to buy this (hopefully) but if you ever feel compelled to open your browser and pull up the online version, I would highly recommend NOT doing that. There are so many better things to do. It’s twenty minutes of your life wasted. The only way this would be cool, is if it was in the actual arcade gaming system, and you put a quarter in it, etc. Then again, if there is money involved I would say, save your quarter.

  7. Good job, guys! When you write a review, remember to name the subject you are critiquing. For those of you who haven't posted this assignment yet, please read these sample models for your own critiques of these old games.

  8. The video game, Pac-man, which just so happens to be created by Namco, isn't an idealistic game for modern times. Although I grew up knowing of Pac-man, I only ever played it on several occasions. And during all those times, I found the game completely redundant and extraneous. Despite my disliking of the game, I can see the appeal. The goal of eating little dots while trying to refrain from getting eaten yourself may be redundant, but yet, it's still addictive. This game may not be the best in graphics if I were to critique for its design, but the design was decent and pleasant to the eyes during it's time. The 80s was all about colors and vibrancy which is a trend that the game lived up to. Other than that, the music was inneccessant and irritable to my ears. Overall, the format of the game is fairly well and decent, but it isn’t a game that I enjoyed or recommend playing unless you like being frustrated.


  9. Doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop it’s the brave brothers mario and luigi come play and help them save their friend princess peach from the barbaric bowser by going through tunnels over land and sea even flying on their very own colorful yoshis and keep an eye out for power up’s.

  10. Pac man is the greatest god damn game ever. It really brings me back to my childhood. Not only just playing it, but watching iCarly and laughing at how seriously they took the game. It is kind of intense, trying to stay away from all the ghosts. But when you eat the dots and then get the cherries and he blue ghosts, it just makes the game way more fun. It is a game anyone can enjoy and play, and if you've played one round its hard to stop! It is always a fun game to play and laugh about with friends every once and awhile or all the time

  11. Pac man is a game you'll remember forever. It's a classic! How can you not enjoy Pac Man. The mesmerizing sound of the game that replays in your head. I've played Pac man ever since I was a little kid. I would play it on my joystick at home and my old box TV. My favorite part is eating the ghosts. It's a fun game to challenge your friends too. Who doesn't love a challenge every now and then? The game's very easy to play all you have to do is use the arrow keys. And stay alive! You don't wanna get eaten. I think that's another reason why it's so enjoyable because it's so easy to play. Now why don't you go and try it yourself?

  12. Pacman is one of the most played games ever! It has been being played forever by people of all ages. I barely play the game but when I do, Its hard to stop playing because it is an addicting game. I was playing the game earlier on my computer and played for a long time. the game is fun but it is even more fun when you try to play against your friends and challenge eachother. Im pretty sure you would like the game too!


Game Review Article; Ready Player One

  Please write a review of the Atari 2600, NES or Sega game you played. Your article should include the following: 1. A researched historic...