Thursday, April 11, 2019

Propaganda Poster/Flier Project; End of Marking Period

Please take the first 15 minutes today to meet your reading group. Get together in groups based on the book you chose to read.

  • The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore
  • In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

Answer the following questions with your group:

  1. Discuss how the author opens the story. Does the author start with description, an anecdote, a quote, a fact, etc? Does the story start with a description of a character or a setting? How effective do you think this opening hook is...did it make you want to read more? Why or why not?
  2. What sources does the author use in chapters 1-2? What facts or statistics does the author provide for us, the reader? What "factual" information is shared with us? Why? 
  3. Pay attention to the use of sentences. Do the sentences form a pattern or structure for the chapter? How does the author play around with pacing? Diction? Imagery or poetic devices? Find examples of these things and discuss whether or not you think the author is successful.
  4. Find a single line or passage from the chapters you read that you felt was effective. Share it with your group. What makes the sentence or passage effective? Discuss style with your peers.
  5. Other: discuss any questions or issues you came across as you read chapters 1-2. Together try to solve those problems. 

TASK #3: Now that you've completed tasks #1 & #2, it's your turn. Alone or with your partner, brainstorm an idea for your own graphic "flier" or "poster" advertising or using propaganda to appeal to a viewing audience. If these come out good, we'll hang them around the school.

How to do this:
  1. identify a current, modern-day issue that you feel passionate about
  2. What images come to your mind when you think of this issue? (jot these down as notes)
  3. What words or phrases do you think of? Write these down too.
  4. Can you connect a song, poem, person, celebrity, symbol, or popular culture item to the issue?
  5. What colors, shapes, lines, graphic elements might be connected to this issue? 
  6. Decide what will be your poster/ad/flier's dominant and subdominant images?
Then: Create and design! I suggest using a flier template. Use the samples/models above to help you. For more ideas/models, check out this site.

I found this site, which can help you create your projects! Check this link!

Turn in your poster draft before you leave today.

HOMEWORK: Please read your chosen non-fiction book: In Cold Blood or The Other Wes Moore. Bring your books back with you to our next class.

The end of the marking period happens Friday. Make sure all missing work/projects are turned in by that time.

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