Friday, September 20, 2019

Citizen Journalism vs Traditional Journalism

Task 1: International Communication (from last class):
In both this class and last class we discussed our personal intake of social media and how we communicate, however our means of communication are just a small fraction of the ways that exist on a global scale. Your task is to:

In groups of 2 (there should be one group of 3) choose a form of international communication from the list below and research it:
  • Kakao (please also research the North Korea form of communication)
  • Line
  • WeChat
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Viber
  • Telegram
  • Imo
  • WhatsApp
During your research answer these following questions (take notes):
  1. What countries primarily use this type of communication?
  2. Why did this means of communication come about?
  3. Who developed this type of communication?
  4. What makes this communication so successful in this country or countries?
Be prepared to share your information with the class, how you share this information is up to you. At least one person should share out. (We are not collecting your notes)

After hearing your peers present, how do you think some of these communications play into Media Literacy? (We will comment in the COMMENT section of the blog!)

Task 2: Traditional Journalism vs. Non-Traditional 

  1. As we delve deeper into our understanding of media literacy and media censorship on an international level, please: 
Embedded in these articles are the videos:
TEDxSydney- Brett Solomon - Citizen Journalism and the Democratization of News Coverage and Bypassing News: US Citizens Journalism Killing Mainstream

2. While reading and watching the videos please take notes on the material (these notes will be turned in at the end of class for participation credit) 

All done? Read the article Understanding Citizen Journalism and write a blog post on YOUR blog on your opinion of Citizen Journalism and Traditional Journalism:
  • Which do you rely on more? Citizen Journalism or Traditional Media? Why?
  • Do you believe that Citizen Journalism has shifted the conversation of news coverage? Why or why not?
  • Has Citizen Journalism pushed certain conversations to the forefront? If so, which ones? Examples?
  • What types of Citizen Journalism do you see the most?
Finally, take 3 minutes to visit a peer's blog (see STUDENT BLOG LISTS BELOW) and read your peer's post about this issue and make a comment about whether or  not you agree or disagree and whether or not the peer used examples and evidence to support his/her opinion.

TASK #3: Media Influences

In groups of 1-2 read the article The Rise of Influencers and the Decay of Journalism and write an Editorial draft (300 words) on Citizen Journalism.

Homework: Please read Chapter 2 of Digital Media and Convergences, annotate, and answer the questions for class on Tuesday, September 24.


  1. Each of these communications require different ways of analyzing information. While on one site, recognizing what is fake can become familiar, it is not always the same between sites. These different sites allow more people to access the internet, meaning more media, and an increasing need to be media literate.

  2. With these communications, media literacy is enhanced through the ability to share knowledge or simply just messages. As mentioned before,being able to reach those who are farther away also plays a part since it allows a better understanding in other places.

  3. They're all forms of communication, which is part of media. Its right in the title.

    1. You also need to be able to spot any loopholes in the terms and conditions but who actually reads those?

  4. These communications play into media literacy in different ways. Due to how many countries in Europe and Asia block things from them, it allows them to communicate. It plays into media literacy by showing what is blocked off from countries and how different it is compared to us. The government is always there, but it's an even stronger presence in places like China and India, and definitely North Korea. How it isn't fair that foreigners can use the sites they usually use while in the country, but the ones who have been there all their life cannot.

  5. These communications play into media literacy in 3 ways. The first way is to spread free, reliable, and accessible information to people who may not normally have it, and this improved it. The second and third ways are to withhold information from the people, and to establish falsehoods as facts and make a false narrative that turns public opinion towards a party, government, issue, etc.

    1. For instance, the North Korean/Chinese sites may withhold information and establish a false narrative, whereas facebook has the capacity to be both helpful and harmful towards media literacy.

  6. With the spread of communication this way, people can be more up to date with what's going on and what media to trust. This makes it harder for governments to spread false information or "fake news" about other countries and events now that there is open communication between many countries.

  7. Most of these messaging services are used for primarily communicating which helps news and media spread quicker from person to person all over the world. People could then evaluate this news or form opinions on it which increases their media literacy.

  8. The different forms of communication play into the idea of media literacy because you need to have media literacy to use these applications. You need to be smart about what you use these applications for and what you send to people. The pros and cons of being able to express yourself freely online still stand and not everyone chooses their words wisely. There's also the fact that almost anyone can get in touch with you and not everything sent will be good.

  9. Some of these communications does play into media literacy.Now a days people come up with many new online things that benefit the media and peoples everyday lives. These new inventions really play a big part in media literacy because that's how people create new things and evaluate media.

  10. With all of these communications, they all give different parts of the world a bigger understanding of the media. Kakao is the most prominent of these communications because it has so many things that it does. It helps people understand so many aspects of the media.
    -David Sweeeeeeen


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