Thursday, December 12, 2019

Video Games (more history) & the Video Game Review; Atari 2600!

TASK #1: On YOUR blog, please post an article answering this question:
  • Write about your favorite game (this could be a board game, a sport, or a digital/electronic video game, etc.)
    • What is it? What's the objective/goal of the game? How do you play? Etc.
    • What do you like about the game? 
    • What have you learned about yourself, others, or your world from playing the game? What benefit is there to playing? Etc.
  • Remember to include photos/videos or hyperlinks in your blog post for full credit!

After posting, we will complete our video game notes today (please return them to the in-box at the end of class today for credit). Include information on Atari, Crash Course #4 below: 

Crash Course #4: Atari and the Business of Video Games

Play some games from the Atari 2600 for the rest of period 7.

Period 8: The Video Game Review.

Let's take a look at a couple short video game reviews.

Then, choose a game you played from the link above (Atari 2600) and review the game. Remember to research and provide some history/context from what you learned (go ahead and use your notes, for example) to help you write your short review (300-500 words in length). Don't forget to attribute your sources if you borrow ideas/information that you didn't know from other sources!

Your review should be completed by the end of period 8. Please turn your draft in to our Google Classroom.

HOMEWORK: Complete Part 3 of 1984 by Monday, Dec. 16. Please read and annotate Chp. 3: Digital Gaming and the Media Playground (part 1). Answer the 7 questions as well for Monday, Dec. 16. If you are writing your own dystopian fiction piece (extra credit) please continue to work on that as well.

OPTION: Secret Santa's Writing Workshop! If you would like, place your name in the "box" and draw a name. Write that person a "personalized" short story, poem, play sketch, or article/essay/non-fiction, comic strip, etc. for the holidays! We'll deliver our gifts on Friday, Dec. 20 before Winter Break! This is extra credit; if you don't want to participate, you don't have to. Don't put your name in the box and don't draw a name from the box!

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Game Review Article; Ready Player One

  Please write a review of the Atari 2600, NES or Sega game you played. Your article should include the following: 1. A researched historic...