Friday, January 17, 2020

Writing Day (The end is nigh!)

Today use the time in class to complete all writing activities/projects/assignments for Media Studies, Marking Period 2... These include:

--work on your HOMEWORK (see below): please read the rest of chapter 3, Digital Media and answer the ?'s (due Tuesday, Jan. 28!) You can work on this today in class...or...


--Your review/article of Ready Player One
--Your review/article of an Atari console game
--Continue writing your Interactive Story Project (The choose your own adventure assignment)
--Blog article posts from this marking period: computer games & games you play post (Dec.); 1984 Government post (Dec.); propaganda post (Nov.); other*
--Gender in Video Games post; Use the source material below to write a reflective post on your blog defining your position regarding  misogyny (or race/gender/marginalization) in video games & digital media. Remember to attribute your sources. If you quote Chu or Sarkeesian (or another source) make sure you give them credit for their ideas!

--EXTRA CREDIT: Write a dystopian story (like 1984 or V for Vendetta)
--EXTRA CREDIT: You may gain extra credit if you, like Anita Sarkeesian, film a vlog post or create a Podcast and upload on your blog your own critical review on the topic in a review of games you play. [You may work collaboratively on this project!]

To write/make a podcast: 

  1. start with an outline of the topics you (and your partner(s) will speak about). You can find an outline template on our Google classroom resources page.
  2. Record yourself having an informative discussion about the topic
  3. Discuss your subject. Make sure all participating speak. NOTE: [Don't go beyond 5 minutes--no one wants to hear you rant randomly on a topic you know nothing about...]
  4. Upload the MP3 to your blog either by using the movie slate icon or linking your file through the internet. You can create MP3's easily through Windows Movie Maker; save as MP3 instead of a video project (see the FILE menu for details!)
We will be covering the making of Podcasts next semester.

The fiction project will be due Thursday, Jan. 30. If you are writing your dystopian story, this is also due Thursday, Jan. 30.

HOMEWORK: Complete any work you did not complete in class. Fiction projects are due Thursday, Jan. 30. Please read the rest of Chapter 3 and answer the ?'s for TUESDAY, Jan. 28.

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Game Review Article; Ready Player One

  Please write a review of the Atari 2600, NES or Sega game you played. Your article should include the following: 1. A researched historic...