Monday, February 3, 2020

The Music Industry; Collaborative Music by Decade Project

Writing Task: in the COMMENT section of this blog (10-15 minutes)

Take a few minutes to visit the websites of the following local radio stations. Note what resources or information or services they provide to our local Rochester community. After perusing these websites, complete the writing task:
  • WXXI (public radio)
  • WBER (independent radio)
  • WBEE (country commercial radio)
  • WDKX (Urban commercial radio)
If you ran a commercial radio station, what kinds of music would you play, and why? In your opinion are radio stations a media technology of the past? Is the future of the music industry in streaming music? Why or why not? Defend your answer with examples or attribution!

Other radio stations can be found at this link.

TASK/PROJECT: Collaborative Music by Decade Prezi Project

Work alone or with a partner to research a decade of music (sign up in class).

Research trends in musical style, include representative performers or musical artists of the time period, explain what influenced the musical style (what came before?) and how it influenced the decade after (what came after?)

If you are working with a partner, you will want to divide your work load evenly.

Make sure you present representative artists from both male/female performers, as well as from white and black or minority performers. 

Part of your grade will depend on the following 3 things: your prezi design, your thoroughness and accuracy in your researched material, and your presentation to class. More on this will follow next class.

Today, select a topic, perhaps select a partner, and research the music of your decade.
  • Music of the early 20th century (1900-1920)
  • Music of the 1920's
  • Music of the 1930's
  • Music of the 1940's
  • Music of the 1950's
  • Music of the 1960's
  • Music of the 1970's
  • Music of the 1980's
  • Music of the 1990's
  • Music of the Millennium (2000 to now)
HOMEWORK: Complete Chp. 4, annotate, and answer the questions. Due Friday, Feb. 7. See Google Classroom for information or a digital copy of the chapter if you lost the first one I gave you.


  1. If I ran a commercial radio station, I would play a wide range of music to catch the interest of lots of different people and maybe widen their interests. I think radio stations are nice for when you want music but you don't want to listen. It also gives you the news, which is useful. I believe streaming music is the future of the music because it is easier to use and find what you want to listen than tradition radios.


  2. If I ran a Commercial Radio Station, I would play popular music and things from the past. It would help bring in old and new. I think radio stations are nice if you want background music. Streaming music is easy and helps get other artists that are similar to your genre.

    1. By playing what is popular now, it will allow the younger population to enjoy the station. When old things are played, it would allow that younger generation to figure out these artists and also bring in the older generation. I think radio stations are nice as they help bring background music during a ride, since they can be long and tedious. However, have developed technology, so it is not necessary. By streaming music, it is easier and you can play what you personally like. I find that the radio has songs that I am not extremely fond of, and that is why streaming music is so big now. You can find artists similar to those you like, and you don't have to wait for it to come on. Radios are important for news, however.

    2. we have developed technology* ^^

  3. If I ran a radio station, I would play different kinds of music that could appeal to many different groups and generations of people. I don't think that radio stations are necessarily a technology of the past because people often still listen to the radio, but I do think that streaming is more of the future of the music industry, though both have faults. I don't think that radio play equals streams and spotlight in all cases, though often times it does. I find that some music can have no radio play and still be one of the most streamed songs of the year. Radio play can bring attention to more audiences, but streaming is often easier accessed and can have more accurate information drawn from it.

  4. If I ran an commercial radio station I would play lot's of hip hop music. I also would play music that my listeners request.I agree that radio stations are a media technology from the past. I say this because years and years ago before phones could do what they do now, We'd only have the radio in order to listen to news and get certain information.

  5. If I ran a station radio commercial I would just play show tunes 24/7. I think this is an untapped source of media that a lot of people would listen to. I think I would bring in a lot of viewers because it would be unique. i think radio has been become relatively obsolete for music, as streaming is much more convenient and we humans love convenience. Radio will not go away because the novelty of it is still nice and sometimes its nice not to have to do any work and just press a button and listen to music. Why push my screen 10 times when I could push a button once?!

  6. If I ran a radio station, I would play a variety of different genres of songs so more than one audience would be interested. I have found Radio stations to be a good way to have background noise while you're busy, and its much more than just music playing there's the news, podcasts etc. Even tho Radio stations are a good thing to have, streaming music is the future because it makes finding exactly what you want faster and more efficiently. -Sarah

  7. Despite me personally not listening to pop music much, I would probably play that if I had my own radio station. This is because many people listen to pop music while driving and such.I think the future of the music industry is streaming music. This is only because it's so easy to find the song that you want and you don't have to wait for it to play.

  8. If I ran a radio station, I would probably play classical or jazz becasue I find the history of them it intersting and they are relaxing things to listen to. But that's only if I was forced make a radio station. They are very outdated. Streaming music is the best option because it is more convenient (It's on your mobile device), and you can control what you want to listen to. Yes sometimes you have to pay for streaming services, but its worth it for the sake of not listening to ads and being able to listen to whatever song you want. Also, radio stations often end songs too early. It's annoying. I want to listen to the whole song. Radio stations are just worse in too many ways to outweigh the fact that that they are free.

  9. I would play that weeb shit or Japanese music mostly for its sick beats rather than the message or some rap from some random black guy that I don't care for. The era of the radio is soooo last century. We are advancing as a society where streaming on platforms such Spotify or QUEEN Soundcloud are seen as the norm. You are able to choose what you want to listen to rather than what happens to be on. When my mom drives, she usually connects her phone to Bluetooth to stream music from her phone. I do the same when I'm taking a shower. Radio is dead. Streaming is THRIVING.

  10. If I ran a radio station I would include a variety of different types of music. There would still be some pop songs but I would be sure to include indie music (a personal favorite) and many other genres. I think that radio stations are definitely used less than they were in the past, but they are still listened to. Radios have moved over to now their primary purpose is to play music rather than to give news or tell stories (like radio plays). However, radio stations like NPR are still frequently listened to by many. Radio is usually only listened to when people are driving but that is still enough to keep radio alive. Streamed music is definitely more common (even in the car) but that has not fully removed the radio industry yet.


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