Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Television by Decade; The Television Pitch (Teaser Pitch)

The television pitch. A television series is pitched to television producers. If the producers like the idea, they often will hire the writer(s) to submit a pilot or sample script. If all goes well, the pilot might lead to a series. If all goes well again, the 1st season of a show may be renewed for a second season or third or 31st, as in the case for The SimpsonsThe Simpsons, by the way, has recently been hired again for its 32nd season!

Celebrate the Simpsons (the longest-running television show in history!) on Google Classroom. While you're there, also take a look at some sample TV shows from the 1950-1990s. These tv shows may give you an idea for your OWN teaser pitch...[see below!]

The teaser pitch is a very short pitch of the idea behind the show. Let's start here. In 5 sentences or less, hook your peers by creating a teaser pitch:
  • What is the premise of the show? Answer: "This show is about..."
  • Who are the main characters in the series? (Who will be the program's protagonist(s)?)
  • What is the main setting for the series? This might include time, place, season, weather, etc.
  • What does the show resemble? What previous shows, films, or books are sort of like this idea? 
  • What is your vision?
  • How much might the show cost to make?
Once you have created your pitch, please send me your teaser pitch. We will be using these as possibilities for our TV script pilot.

See the assignment on Google Classroom for details/due dates.

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