Record your podcast during class today.
If you have already recorded your podcast at home, please upload the MP3/MP4 file to Windows Movie Maker and begin editing the audio track.
--Troubleshoot by asking a peer to assist (IF that peer knows the answer to your problem)
--Look it up on the internet
--Ask me (after you've looked it up...)
--Look for converters online if your recording is not in MP3/MP4 format...
WHEN YOU ARE WAITING TO RECORD OR YOU ARE FINISHED EDITING: please answer the handout on biographies for Paul Robeson's biography. Turn in this graphic organizer by Feb. 1 (next class).
HOMEWORK: Complete your Podcast RECORDING. Complete your reading of Paul Robeson's biography & complete the graphic organizer that goes with it (see handout).
- Hook your audience with an interesting opening for your podcast.
- Introduce yourself so your audience knows who you are.
- Introduce the topic you are going to speak about (or topics).
- Use music or sound effects to transition from one topic to another!
--Troubleshoot by asking a peer to assist (IF that peer knows the answer to your problem)
--Look it up on the internet
--Ask me (after you've looked it up...)
--Look for converters online if your recording is not in MP3/MP4 format...
WHEN YOU ARE WAITING TO RECORD OR YOU ARE FINISHED EDITING: please answer the handout on biographies for Paul Robeson's biography. Turn in this graphic organizer by Feb. 1 (next class).
- Examine the chapter: "Freedom of Speech": How does this chapter introduce us to the "character", "accomplishments", and "struggles" the subject faced in his life? Explain why the author chose to open the book with this "hook."
- Examine the chapter "Stages of Development"--why does this chapter appear 2nd? What are some things we learn about the subject? How is the subject REPRESENTED to us? What traits seem to be stressed or seem important?
- In the chapters "A Rising Star" and "A World of Music" Robeson's achievements are further examined. What sources or attribution does the author use to establish credibility in these chapters? How do these 2 chapters echo ideas or information about Robeson's biography in the previous 2 chapters?
- Complete the last 3 chapters. Note how setting and social events impact a person's life. Consider why the author Scott Ehrlich chose to focus on certain central ideas. What are these ideas, and why do you think he chose to research and present these events in the manner he did?
- What did you learn about writing biographies from reading this book? Think and answer like a writer.
HOMEWORK: Complete your Podcast RECORDING. Complete your reading of Paul Robeson's biography & complete the graphic organizer that goes with it (see handout).