Thursday, September 7, 2017

Technology Presentation Project

Let's discuss the main points in the article you read for homework. 

Technological Determinism: The assumption that technological progress is inevitable and that it is necessary for social change.

Social Determinism: The assumption that society (i.e. the people) is the governing force of our lives or cultures. It is autonomous (acting on its own) and shapes technology, cultural values, social structure, and human history. It is the opposing viewpoint against technological determinism.

Media technology is often seen as the "wave of the future". The message is clear: if you don't want to be left behind in the last century, you've got to join the system. Here's an example:
Media technology includes desktop publishing, print-on-demand, the internet, videogames, cable, satellite, and global television, digital and interactive television, CD's, DVD's, Blue Ray, the ocular rift, virtual reality, cell phones, etc. Every year new products appear on the technological horizon--each one promises to be better than the last. But who remembers the 8-track, or the laser disc, the VHS, TiVo, or the Atari 2600? The central question might be: do we need all this stuff? The media's answer: yes.

According to Fortune Magazine and other 2017 surveys, the average American spends over 12 hours a day using/consuming the media. The media and its products, apps, or programs make our lives easier, more entertaining, or it might help us do things we couldn't have done without these devices. We seem to absolutely love media technology as we bring it into our lives, spend time with it (sometimes more than our loved ones), and use or consume it every day as if it were food. Media is part of our culture and it changes us and our world (often for the better).

However, there is another side to this stuff. What natural resources go into making these technologies? How does their manufacturing or disposal affect the environment? How does our technology change our social or cultural lives in a negative way? Let's look at the darker picture for a moment.

The Story of Stuff (2007) video documentary

Your reaction? Is mass media/technology good or bad--and why or how? Is it inevitable (Technological Determinism) or should we try to direct and control media and technology for the benefit of our traditions and culture? Discuss.

Lab Research

There are two things you should research in the lab for future classes next week. Please complete both:

#1: See the post below (we didn't get to it last class) on Careers in Media Studies. Complete the task as written. Due today.

#2: Technology Presentation Project. Due date to be determined.

Choose 1 item from the following list and research. Each of you will present a prezi presentation on the item and ultimately decide if the innovation/invention was good or bad for humanity). Sign up for your choice on the sheet moving around the room.
  • The Wheel
  • The Printing Press
  • The Internet
  • Semiconductor electronics
  • The Atom Bomb (Nuclear Fission)
  • Cement
  • Air conditioning
  • Fracking
  • Dynamite
  • The Combustible Engine
  • Genetic Engineering
  • The Telegraph
  • The Radio
  • The Microwave
  • The Telephone (includes cell phones)
  • The Television
  • The gun
  • The Airplane
  • The mechanized clock
  • Paper money
  • The assembly line
  • Cigarettes
  • Styrofoam
  • Plastic
  • Alcohol
Once you have selected your topic, please begin researching the subject matter. Look for both the positive aspect of the technology (what is does for us that is beneficial) as well as the negative (such as how it negatively impacts our society or social lives or how it negatively affects our environment).

You should be able to explain when was it created, who created it or invented it, how or why did it catch on and become popular, what its use is/was, and the positive and negative effects of the technology.

This project is not due yet. Deadline to be announced.

HOMEWORK:  Read the article handout and answer the questions for Tuesday's class.

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