This afternoon, please watch the following video about the internet. Then, during 7th period, please complete your blogging articles we started last class.
Blogging Articles:
On your blog, please create posts answering these questions (1 post per question please). If you attribute your sources, use information on the internet to help prove your point(s), please create a HYPERLINK to that website by using the LINK option in your blog editor. You may also add video clips or pictures (see the picture icon in your toolbar...or the clapperboard icon).
Complete all posts on your blog:
1. Describe your first experiences with computers and the internet. A. What was your first computer? What did you use it for? How did you react to it? Describe your memory to the best of your ability.
AND answer B: What was your first encounter with the internet like? What are some things you remember using the internet for then? Describe your relationship with the Internet compared to other forms of mass media: radio, television, film, books, etc.
2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.
Blogging Articles:
On your blog, please create posts answering these questions (1 post per question please). If you attribute your sources, use information on the internet to help prove your point(s), please create a HYPERLINK to that website by using the LINK option in your blog editor. You may also add video clips or pictures (see the picture icon in your toolbar...or the clapperboard icon).
Complete all posts on your blog:
1. Describe your first experiences with computers and the internet. A. What was your first computer? What did you use it for? How did you react to it? Describe your memory to the best of your ability.
AND answer B: What was your first encounter with the internet like? What are some things you remember using the internet for then? Describe your relationship with the Internet compared to other forms of mass media: radio, television, film, books, etc.
2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.
- After writing the previous two blog posts, surf the internet. Can you find:
- A helpful academic resource for writers?
- A biased source for news? (bias can be any political or ideological prejudice)
- A reliable source for news?
- A good site for online games
- A good site for reviews or critiques of pop culture: games, music, food, fashion, film, books, tv, or other mass media products, etc.
- An online social media site
- A popular meme (a humorous image, video, or text that is copied and shared through social media)
- Share your findings on your blog. Provide a short (2-3 sentences, for example) review of each site you find as your 3rd blog post.
Period 8: Geeks Discussion
Chp. 1: (pg. 3-4 & pg. 11-12) human interest stories often need to "paint the picture" or establish setting. Reread the description of Boise/Caldwell, Idaho. How does Katz effectively use imagery to set his scene/chapter? How does the setting compare/contrast or cause conflict for Katz' subject? (note the description of Jesse Dailey & Eric, pg. 8-10, 12)
Chp. 2: In chapter 2, Katz describes Jesse & Eric as outsiders (pg. 20). How have your lives been similar? Do you feel like an outsider? How? Why? Do you have a hobby that consumes most of your time outside of school that you are proud, embarrassed, or ashamed of? How does this activity shape your personality?
Chp. 3: On page 26, Katz writes: "Jesse & Eric have a community and even a religion: the net." Discuss how mass media (the internet especially) has become our preferred community or family. How are other forms of mass media (music, films, tv, radio, books, games, internet, etc.) almost a religion for American teenagers? What do you believe?
After our discussion, if there is time left, we will start our viewing of the film Hidden Figures.
HOMEWORK: Please read chapters 4-6 of Geeks for Monday's class.