Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blogging; Geeks (chp. 1-3)

This afternoon, please watch the following video about the internet. Then, during 7th period, please complete your blogging articles we started last class.

Blogging Articles:

On your blog, please create posts answering these questions (1 post per question please). If you attribute your sources, use information on the internet to help prove your point(s), please create a HYPERLINK to that website by using the LINK option in your blog editor. You may also add video clips or pictures (see the picture icon in your toolbar...or the clapperboard icon).

Complete all posts on your blog:

1. Describe your first experiences with computers and the internet. A. What was your first computer? What did you use it for? How did you react to it? Describe your memory to the best of your ability.

AND answer B: What was your first encounter with the internet like? What are some things you remember using the internet for then? Describe your relationship with the Internet compared to other forms of mass media: radio, television, film, books, etc.

2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.

  • After writing the previous two blog posts, surf the internet. Can you find:
    • A helpful academic resource for writers?
    • A biased source for news? (bias can be any political or ideological prejudice)
    • A reliable source for news?
    • A good site for online games
    • A good site for reviews or critiques of pop culture: games, music, food, fashion, film, books, tv, or other mass media products, etc.
    • An online social media site
    • A popular meme (a humorous image, video, or text that is copied and shared through social media)
  • Share your findings on your blog. Provide a short (2-3 sentences, for example) review of each site you find as your 3rd blog post.
Period 8: Geeks Discussion

Chp. 1: (pg. 3-4 & pg. 11-12) human interest stories often need to "paint the picture" or establish setting. Reread the description of Boise/Caldwell, Idaho. How does Katz effectively use imagery to set his scene/chapter? How does the setting compare/contrast or cause conflict for Katz' subject? (note the description of Jesse Dailey & Eric, pg. 8-10, 12)

Chp. 2: In chapter 2, Katz describes Jesse & Eric as outsiders (pg. 20). How have your lives been similar? Do you feel like an outsider? How? Why? Do you have a hobby that consumes most of your time outside of school that you are proud, embarrassed, or ashamed of? How does this activity shape your personality?

Chp. 3:  On page 26, Katz writes: "Jesse & Eric have a community and even a religion: the net." Discuss how mass media (the internet especially) has become our preferred community or family. How are other forms of mass media (music, films, tv, radio, books, games, internet, etc.) almost a religion for American teenagers? What do you believe?

After our discussion, if there is time left, we will start our viewing of the film Hidden Figures

HOMEWORK: Please read chapters 4-6 of Geeks for Monday's class.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Early Computing & Searching the Internet (Blog Posting)

Video/Notes: Early Computing
  • What are some of the key technological advances/discoveries that lead to the computer? List them in your notes as you watch the video


In the lab to look up the online magazine WIRED. Complete the following task:

1. Choose an article from the website and read it. You can find a variety of articles by topic on the page menus at the top of the website.

In the COMMENT section of this post, briefly summarize the article and add your reaction to it. Reflect on what we have learned so far about technology or mass media; add personal connections and details, explore the idea and/or speculate about the future of the topic you read about, etc. Your task is to write something interesting about what you have learned from reading the article. And speaking of articles...

Blogging Articles:

On your blog, please create posts answering these questions (1 post per question please). If you attribute your sources, use information on the internet to help prove your point(s), please create a HYPERLINK to that website by using the LINK option in your blog editor. You may also add video clips or pictures (see the picture icon in your toolbar...or the clapperboard icon).

Complete all posts in the lab today:

1. Describe your first experiences with computers and the internet. A. What was your first computer? What did you use it for? How did you react to it? Describe your memory to the best of your ability.

AND answer B: What was your first encounter with the internet like? What are some things you remember using the internet for then? Describe your relationship with the Internet compared to other forms of mass media: radio, television, film, books, etc.

2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.

  • After writing the previous two blog posts, surf the internet. Can you find:
    • A helpful academic resource for writers?
    • A biased source for news? (bias can be any political or ideological prejudice)
    • A reliable source for news?
    • A good site for online games
    • A good site for reviews or critiques of pop culture: games, music, food, fashion, film, books, tv, or other mass media products, etc.
    • An online social media site
    • A popular meme (a humorous image, video, or text that is copied and shared through social media)
  • Share your findings on your blog. Provide a short (2-3 sentences, for example) review of each site you find as your 3rd blog post.
If you finish all your work, continue to surf the internet and think about what sites are attractive to you (and why) or which sites you prefer to visit (and why).  You may also work on your homework reading. See below.

HOMEWORK: Please Chapter 2-3 of Geeks--be prepared to discuss chapters 1-3 next class. Please bring your books and notes with you to class.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Presentations: Day 2; Geeks Discussion; Early Computer Tech; Wired Article

Technology Presentations:
Some tips for future presentations.

Geeks Introduction discussion (10-15 minutes):
  • In the introduction to his book, Katz raises the question: "Where does it begin, this sense of being the Other?" (pp. xvii) Discuss with your small group when you felt or remember feeling like an outcast? What was the situation? What happened to you? How did it affect you? Etc.
  • Discuss your reaction/understanding of the term "geek"--see the definitions in the beginning pages of the book. Can you recall the first time you remember hearing the word used? What was the situtation? What did you think about the word? Recall and discuss.
  • What did you learn about the history of Geeks (see pages xxiv-xxvi). What interested you or confused you about this history?
  • Define geek as you understand it or use it today. How has the term changed since Katz wrote this book (2001)? (pp. xxvi-xxxi)
  • Discuss Katz journey to write this book while he was working with the magazine WIRED Conde Nast (pp. xxxi-xlii). What are some things you learned about the magazine publishing industry?
Video/Notes: Early Computing
  • What are some of the key technological advances/discoveries that lead to the computer? List them in your notes as you watch the video
In the lab to look up the online magazine WIRED. Complete the following task:

1. Choose an article from the website and read it. In the COMMENT section of this post, briefly summarize the article and add your reaction to it. Reflect on what we have learned so far about technology; add personal connections and details, explore the idea and/or future of the topic you read about, etc.

2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.

If you finish all your work, surf the internet (or work on your homework reading).

HOMEWORK: Please read the first part of Chapter 2: Digital Medea: Computers & the Internet. Annotate and take notes. Complete chapter 1 in Geeks. Bring your materials back with you to next class.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Prezi Projects; Blogs; Geeks & Wired

Period 7:

Take the first 10-15 minutes of class to complete the warm-up response on your blogs. If you finish early, please send me your blog links and your Prezi links for your presentation today.

On your blogs: respond to the following question:
  • Think about the media technologies in your life when you were growing up. How did you watch TV shows, listen to music, or communicate with friends? How have those technologies changed since you were very young?
Remember to send me your blog address!

Technology Presentations:
Some tips for future presentations.

Period 8:

Geeks Introduction:
  • In the introduction to his book, Katz raises the question: "Where does it begin, this sense of being the Other?" (pp. xvii) Discuss with your small group when you felt or remember feeling like an outcast? What was the situation? What happened to you? How did it affect you? Etc.
  • Discuss your reaction/understanding of the term "geek"--see the definitions in the beginning pages of the book. Can you recall the first time you remember hearing the word used? What was the situtation? What did you think about the word? Recall and discuss.
  • What did you learn about the history of Geeks (see pages xxiv-xxvi). What interested you or confused you about this history?
  • Define geek as you understand it or use it today. How has the term changed since Katz wrote this book (2001)? (pp. xxvi-xxxi)
  • Discuss Katz journey to write this book while he was working with the magazine WIRED & Conde Nast (pp. xxxi-xlii). What are some things you learned about the magazine publishing industry?
After our discussion, please return to the lab to look up the online magazine WIRED. Complete the following task:

1. Choose an article from the website and read it. In the COMMENT section of this post, briefly summarize the article and add your reaction to it. Reflect on what we have learned so far about technology; add personal connections and details, explore the idea and/or future of the topic you read about, etc.
2. On your blog write a post about your coming-out story about being a geek or a nerd; OR classify the different kinds of nerds and geeks that exist. Make sure you describe each type.

HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 1 of Geeks (First Encounter) pp's 2-15.

Classroom Blogs

A list of our blogs:

Ja'Miah S.
Jesziah V. 
Victoria G.

Blogs not listed (please send me your links!)

Javant or Javant

Monday, September 18, 2017

Blog Project

Please post your blog address in the comment section below. Make sure your blog is public.

Once you have set up your blog for this year, please spend period 8 completing the following tasks:

Blog Post Assignment #1:

A. Pick an example media product that you like or find helpful to your own life (it probably should be something you already consume). Explain what it is and why you find the product useful or helpful. Give some examples as to how the product has use (in other words: what good is the product to your own life or experience--why do you like it? etc.)

B. Then pick an example media product that you think is harmful to the public (or to children...same difference). What is this product and why do you think it is harmful? Make sure you use specific examples to support your claims. Do you think the product should be removed from circulation? Why or why not? If you think the product should be banned, how would you make your concerns known to the public about the dangers of this media product?

(Suggestions for sources include music groups, video games, t.v. shows, films, books, internet memes, podcasts, radio programs, etc.)

Complete your research and blog post by the end of class today. After posting on your blog, please make sure you share your blog address in the COMMENT section below.

When you finish this task, please read move on to the following:

  • Read about the journalist Jon Katz (scroll down on the website to read his bio, posted after his book list)
  • Check out the WIRED website and read an article of your choice. For extra credit on your blog--review the article (what was the article about? Did you like the article? Why or why not?)
  • Read the Introductory chapter of Geeks by Jon Katz (see homework below)

HOMEWORK: please read the introductory chapter of Geeks by Jon Katz. Annotate and be prepared to discuss the introduction next class. Also, be prepared to share your technology prezi with the class.

Technology Prezi Project: Due!

Period 7:

Continue researching the subject you chose for the Technology project. Look for both the positive aspect of the technology (what is does for us that is beneficial) as well as the negative (such as how it negatively impacts our society or social lives or how it negatively affects our environment).

You should also be able to explain:
  • when was it created, 
  • who created it or invented it, 
  • how or why did it catch on and become popular--or when was it popular, 
  • what its use is/was, and 
  • the positive and negative effects of the technology.
Remember: your Prezi can include text, video, audio, and pictures to illustrate your points--it should not only consist of text. It should also be structured so that a viewer can understand what the technology is and how it has affected our culture both positively and negatively.

Your Prezi's are due by the end of 7th period. So, aim to finish up in the lab today.

Your Prezi's will be shared with the class (and anyone with the link). Make sure you make your PREZI public, then share the link in the comment section below. Presentations will be delivered next class.

Period 8:
Class Blog Project - Year 2:

blog or (web log or web journal) will be required for this class. It can be a good place to publish your poetry, fiction, and plays as well (use it for Craft of Writing if you want to). You can, of course, use the same blog as the one from last year or create a new design and look for this year.

Remember that some companies and media sources hire writers to set up and contribute to a company blog--and they pay you for it! For more info about this career path check here.

To set up your blog:
1. Go to or ( note you will not be able to access tumblr from the RCSD network). You may use blogger (read link to set this up), this is Google's blog site and you can use your Google email address. You may also use word press at this link. The choice is yours. 
2. You may take a quick tour to get some information about the blog site you are going to use, if interested. Otherwise, create a new account. Depending on the site you choose, the instructions for creating a blog will be slightly different. Follow instructions as necessary!
3. You must enter an email account (if you have no email, use one from your family; if this isn’t working, use an email account from a trusted and valued friend.) You can set up a new email account at This is a free service. Your email account name will be your “username”--Write your password somewhere safe where you will remember it. You will need to keep track of this. 
4. Create a password, display your name, look at terms of service, etc.
5. Log onto your blog. Follow the prompts to set up your page. Write down your address/passwords, etc. Again, I can't help you if you screw this up.
6. You may edit your design and provide biographical info, add gadgets, etc. At some point, you will need to create a NEW Post. Each new post needs a title and you should edit it before you post it.
NOTE: Please send me your blog address in the COMMENT section in the post ABOVE!

WRITING TASK: See the post above for your writing task once you set up your blog design.

HOMEWORK: Begin reading the introductory chapter of "Geeks" by Jon Katz. Read and annotate as you go. See post above for further details.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chapter 1 Quiz; Technology Prezi Projects

POST in the COMMENT section of this post. Make sure you include your name so you can receive credit for your response.

Question: Drawing on your experience, list the kinds of media stories (narrative) you like and dislike. You might think mostly of books, movies, and TV shows, but remember that the news, sports, political ads, and product ads are also usually structured as stories. Conversations on Facebook can also be considered narratives. What kinds of stories do you like and dislike? and why?

After you post (I'll give you 10 minutes to do so) we will take an open note quiz on Chapter One vocabulary (as hinted at from last class). You may use your notes for this task if you took notes. If you did not take notes, you must rely on your memory. You may not share your notes with another student for this test. Nor may you use your chapter handouts. Only your written notes.

When you complete the quiz, please use the rest of our lab time to continue researching the subject you chose for the Technology project. Look for both the positive aspect of the technology (what is does for us that is beneficial) as well as the negative (such as how it negatively impacts our society or social lives or how it negatively affects our environment).

You should also be able to explain:

  • when was it created, 
  • who created it or invented it, 
  • how or why did it catch on and become popular--or when was it popular, 
  • what its use is/was, and 
  • the positive and negative effects of the technology.

Your Prezi's are due next class by the end of 7th period. So, once you know this information and take notes on such things, please create and design your Prezi projects.

Your Prezi's will be shared with the class (and anyone with the link).

Remember: your Prezi can include text, video, audio, and pictures to illustrate your points--it should not only consist of text. It should also be structured so that a viewer can understand what the technology is and how it has affected our culture both positively and negatively.

HOMEWORK: None. If you did not progress on your Prezi, please feel free to continue working on it this weekend. The project draft is due Monday after 7th period.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Chapter 1: Key Ideas (continued); Agenda

After the last few minutes of the last documentary from last class (a lot of lasts) please move to the lab to complete the following:

A. Check out the post below on "Is a Career in Media Studies for You?" Complete the assignment as stated.

B. Then, check out the post Technology Presentation Project and complete that assignment as written.

Use your time in the lab effectively. Manage your time!

Important vocabulary terms:

Convergence: the changes and merging that has occurred in media content over time. One meaning refers to technology and another to business. Thus, the printing press (books in print) later developed into online digital books or the eReader.

Cross platform: consolidating various media companies or holdings in business. Disney, for example, does more than make animated films. Learn more about the Disney Corporation and their holdings here. Disney is a "cross platform" media company.

Narrative: storytelling & the process of storytelling.

High Culture: superior products that consumers consume; often labeled Art (capital A). Examples include: opera, the works of Mozart or Shakespeare, the films of Orson Welles, classical music, ballet, in some cultures: live theater; The New Yorker magazine, NPR, etc.

Low Culture: inferior products that consumers consume; often labeled popular culture or craft (as opposed to Art). Justin Beiber, Stephanie Myers' Twilight series, WWF, Kim Kardashian, The Apprentice, Grand Theft Auto, America's Got Talent, etc.

Modern Period: The Industrial Revolution through WWII.

Progressive Period: 1890's through 1920's--The time period setting in The Great Gatsby is a good example.

Postmodern Period: 1945 - now.

You should be familiar with the skyscraper model of culture and the map model of culture. Also, be familiar with the five steps in the critical process: description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and engagement (see handout).

There may be a quiz/test on new vocabulary next class. Hmm. There could be. Write these terms and make sure you have them in your notes! Remember to check last our last post as well. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Chapter One Review, Part 1; Mass Communication

Let's discuss the chapter. What did you annotate, highlight, or question? Comments about the chapter?

Keep these points in mind:

  • Communication: the creation and use of symbol systems that convey information and meaning (includes languages, codes, motion pictures, etc.)
  • Culture (from a media studies POV): the symbols of expression that individuals, groups, and societies use to make sense of daily life and to articulate their values. A process that delivers the values of a society through products and meaning-making technologies. 
  • Mass Media: cultural industries (the channels of communication) that produce and distributes songs, novels, TV shows, newspapers, movies, internet services, games, & cultural products to large numbers of people (consumers). 
  • Mass Communication: the process of designing cultural messages and stories and delivering them to large and diverse audiences through media channels.
  • Convergence: the overlapping process of growth or obsolescence of a media product as it is improved, reused, or rebranded again and again.
  • Oral/Written Era: technology mostly delivered through oral/early written traditions (circa 1,000 BCE to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Print Revolution: 100CE (China) to about 1045. Development of moveable type (printing press)
  • The Electronic Era: the rise of the Industrial Age (1800's) until about 1930's. 
  • The Digital Era: 1930's through 1990's (the rise of computers/internet, etc.)
  • Social Media: programs (online) that allow people from all over the world to have ongoing online conversations, share stories/experiences, or sharing interests and information.
  • Linear Model of Mass Communication: Outdated model of communications. Senders transmit messages through mass media channels to a large group of receivers. Media functioned as a message filter. With more media (primarily the internet/digital sources), gatekeepers cannot regulate or control the spread of media easily.
  • Cultural Model: Individuals bring diverse meaning to messages, given factors and differences in their culture (age, gender, education, etc.) to interpret, accept, or reject messages.
  • Selective exposure: People seek messages and produce meanings that correspond to their own cultural beliefs, values, and interests.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Technology Presentation Project

Let's discuss the main points in the article you read for homework. 

Technological Determinism: The assumption that technological progress is inevitable and that it is necessary for social change.

Social Determinism: The assumption that society (i.e. the people) is the governing force of our lives or cultures. It is autonomous (acting on its own) and shapes technology, cultural values, social structure, and human history. It is the opposing viewpoint against technological determinism.

Media technology is often seen as the "wave of the future". The message is clear: if you don't want to be left behind in the last century, you've got to join the system. Here's an example:
Media technology includes desktop publishing, print-on-demand, the internet, videogames, cable, satellite, and global television, digital and interactive television, CD's, DVD's, Blue Ray, the ocular rift, virtual reality, cell phones, etc. Every year new products appear on the technological horizon--each one promises to be better than the last. But who remembers the 8-track, or the laser disc, the VHS, TiVo, or the Atari 2600? The central question might be: do we need all this stuff? The media's answer: yes.

According to Fortune Magazine and other 2017 surveys, the average American spends over 12 hours a day using/consuming the media. The media and its products, apps, or programs make our lives easier, more entertaining, or it might help us do things we couldn't have done without these devices. We seem to absolutely love media technology as we bring it into our lives, spend time with it (sometimes more than our loved ones), and use or consume it every day as if it were food. Media is part of our culture and it changes us and our world (often for the better).

However, there is another side to this stuff. What natural resources go into making these technologies? How does their manufacturing or disposal affect the environment? How does our technology change our social or cultural lives in a negative way? Let's look at the darker picture for a moment.

The Story of Stuff (2007) video documentary

Your reaction? Is mass media/technology good or bad--and why or how? Is it inevitable (Technological Determinism) or should we try to direct and control media and technology for the benefit of our traditions and culture? Discuss.

Lab Research

There are two things you should research in the lab for future classes next week. Please complete both:

#1: See the post below (we didn't get to it last class) on Careers in Media Studies. Complete the task as written. Due today.

#2: Technology Presentation Project. Due date to be determined.

Choose 1 item from the following list and research. Each of you will present a prezi presentation on the item and ultimately decide if the innovation/invention was good or bad for humanity). Sign up for your choice on the sheet moving around the room.
  • The Wheel
  • The Printing Press
  • The Internet
  • Semiconductor electronics
  • The Atom Bomb (Nuclear Fission)
  • Cement
  • Air conditioning
  • Fracking
  • Dynamite
  • The Combustible Engine
  • Genetic Engineering
  • The Telegraph
  • The Radio
  • The Microwave
  • The Telephone (includes cell phones)
  • The Television
  • The gun
  • The Airplane
  • The mechanized clock
  • Paper money
  • The assembly line
  • Cigarettes
  • Styrofoam
  • Plastic
  • Alcohol
Once you have selected your topic, please begin researching the subject matter. Look for both the positive aspect of the technology (what is does for us that is beneficial) as well as the negative (such as how it negatively impacts our society or social lives or how it negatively affects our environment).

You should be able to explain when was it created, who created it or invented it, how or why did it catch on and become popular, what its use is/was, and the positive and negative effects of the technology.

This project is not due yet. Deadline to be announced.

HOMEWORK:  Read the article handout and answer the questions for Tuesday's class.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Is a Career in Media Studies for You?

It's not too early to think about career paths after high school. Mass communication (media studies) is a large field and covers a lot of different careers and professions. The ability to write, research, critically think, and communicate effectively are all important skills for a writer, and important skills for every professional in the work force today.

Take a look at some college programs in Media Studies/Mass Communication/Journalism from the area. Look at the curriculum, the requirements for admission, and other details for students interested in pursuing a degree program in the field. How might you measure up? What kinds of courses would you have to take? What does the major cover or entail? Research in the lab.

Various College Programs in Journalism/Media Studies:
And, of course, there are many others.

Now that you've seen a few examples of college programs in media studies, take the next 5-15 minutes to research college programs you might be interested in. What field or subject are you interested in pursuing? What course content do these programs cover? What do these programs promise to do for a student? What makes the program unique?

In the comment section of this post share your findings with the class. What have you learned about this potential career path? What is your attitude about the media? How might you use media as a writer? etc.

NOTE: Revisit this project at any time during the year when you are wondering why you are studying this stuff. It may help get you back on track.

HOMEWORK: Complete any part of this assignment you did not finish in class.

Game Review Article; Ready Player One

  Please write a review of the Atari 2600, NES or Sega game you played. Your article should include the following: 1. A researched historic...